How old is Eve Franke?
Eve Franke was born on 1 September 2013.
Eve Franke is 11 years old.
How old is Eve Franke in days now?
Eve Franke is 11 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 4,207 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Eve Franke?
Eve Franke's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eve Franke?
Zodiac sign of Eve Franke is Virgo.
Eve Franke is a lovely YouTube star and one of the famous family of the Frankes who have been running their personal YouTube channel titled 8 Passengers. Eve was born in 2013 and she is the youngest child of her parents Ruby Franke and Kevin Franke. She has got two brothers, Chad Franke and Russel Franke, as well as three sisters Shari Franke, Abby Franke, and Julie Franke. Since she is the youngest, she is definitely the most loved child. She takes part in all the family videos and is among the most loved by their fans. As of the mid 2023, the number of the followers of the channel is close to 2.2 million people. Eve Franke can be often seen om her mom's personal Instagram account.
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