How old is Evan Peters?

Evan Peters was born on 20 January 1987.
Evan Peters is 38 years old.

How old is Evan Peters in days now?

Evan Peters is 38 years 2 months 10 days old.
Total 13,949 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Evan Peters?

Evan Peters's next birthday is in 9 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Evan Peters?

Zodiac sign of Evan Peters is Aquarius.

Evan Peters is an American actor who rose to fame with his roles in X-Men series and American Horror Stories TV series. He was born in 1987 in Missouri and grew up with his two siblings. In the early 2000s, Evan moved to LA hoping to develop a career in acting. He started attending plenty of auditions and appeared in a few commercials including the ones of Kellogg, Sony PlayStation, etc. In 2004 he appeared in a few movies as well as in TV series The Days, Phil of the Future, and Invasion, with recurring roles. Starting from 2007 his cinema career began developing successfully and Peters took part in the projects like Mama's Boy, Remarkable Power, Never Back Down series, Adult World, X-Men Series, The Lazarus Effect, Elvis & Nixon (with Kevin Spacey), The Pirates of Somalia (with Al Pacino and Melanie Griffith), Deadpool 2, etc. His role in American Horror Movie is considered to be the best performance of Evan Peters and brought him plenty of award nominations and wide public recognition. He was engaged to Emma Roberts, an American actress he met while filming Adult World. Later on he dated Halsey, a pop singer.

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