How old is Ed Sheeran?

Ed Sheeran was born on 17 February 1991.
Ed Sheeran is 33 years old.

How old is Ed Sheeran in days now?

Ed Sheeran is 33 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 12,145 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ed Sheeran?

Ed Sheeran's next birthday is in 8 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ed Sheeran?

Zodiac sign of Ed Sheeran is Aquarius.

Edward Christopher Sheeran is a famous British singer, songwriter, producer, and musician who became popular in 2011 with his first single "The A-Team" reaching the third line in Billboard charts and making the young man a real star. Sheeran was born in Halifax, to the family of a small gallery owner and a jewelry designer. Ed started writing songs when he was in high school and learned to play the guitar. In 2005, he moved to London and released his first mini-album. Until 2011 he was playing in various restaurants and bars of the capital city, trying to find his way to success, and in 2011 he released his EP Collaborations Project No 5., which raised to quite high lines in charts and managed to attract the attention of the wide public. So did his first debut full-size album +, which appeared in British and Australian charts. The second album of Sheeran X was released in 2014, with the hit "Thinking Out Loud" that brought Sheeran two Grammy Awards, and a few musical editions mentioned that album as the second most sold album in the world. In March 2017, his third album Divide(รท) came out, with the song "Shape of You" which brought one more Grammy Award. Sheeran is a huge fan of Bob Dylan, Elton John and Eric Clapton, with some of those he collaborated during his early career. He appeared in Top Gear and other TV projects, as well as did some acting in a few cinema projects as a cameo (like Game of Thrones). Ed Sheeran dated Ellie Goulding, Nina Nesbitt and Athina Andrelos, but in 2019 he got married to his high school friend Cherry Seaborn and the next year became the father of a lovely daughter. He's considered to be one of the richest musicians in the UK.

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