How old is Dominik Mysterio?

Dominik Mysterio was born on 5 April 1997.
Dominik Mysterio is 27 years old.

How old is Dominik Mysterio in days now?

Dominik Mysterio is 27 years 1 month 15 days old.
Total 9,907 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Dominik Mysterio?

Dominik Mysterio's next birthday is in 10 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Dominik Mysterio?

Zodiac sign of Dominik Mysterio is Aries.

A cool and charismatic wrestler, Domink Mysterio is among the most popular and progressing professional wrestler known also as a son of a cult sportsman Ray Mysterio. Born in 1997 in California to the parents of American and Mexican origins, he grew up in San Diego alongside his younger sister and friends. Of course in his early years Dominik watched tons of the fights and shows of his father, thus he dreamed about developing a career in wrestling. He started training in the mid 2000s and his intentions as to pursuing a serious career in wrestling started becoming true in the mid 2010s when Mysterio joined the team of Jay Letho and his coaches. Though he appeared in his first TV show at the age of 6, his first professional fights took place in 2018, in a show Smack Down. In the early 2020s he started entering the world of professional wresting celebrities and posting pictures with such stars as The Undertaker on his Instagram channel. In 2020 Dominik Mysterio signed up with WWE and also created a team with his father known as "the father-and-son team". He loves social media networking sites and as of the early 2024 there are over a half of a million followers on his Instagram account.

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