How old is Delayza Naylea?
Delayza Naylea was born on 18 December 2004.
Delayza Naylea is 20 years old.
How old is Delayza Naylea in days now?
Delayza Naylea is 20 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 7,403 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Delayza Naylea?
Delayza Naylea's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Delayza Naylea?
Zodiac sign of Delayza Naylea is Sagittarius.
A nice and pretty YouTuber, Delayza Naylea is among the most popular and growing vlogers on the platform whose focus is her daily and school life, as well as various current and entertaining topics. She came to this world in 2004 in Arizona and spent his childhood alongside her sister Leylani and their loving parents. Together with her sister, Delayza did her best to master some basics of choreography, as well as tried to learn as much as possible about music and fashion. She launched her YouTube channel in 2017 when she was only 13 years old. A bit later she got focused on promoting her channel more seriously and very often she would invite her younger sister to join her challenges and other ideas. In the early 2020s her content kept improving and began to reveal her as a smart and modern content maker. As of January 2025, there are almost a half of a million people following her channel, and the number of the views of the channel is exceeding 3.6 million people. Hopefully, Delayza Naylea will continue delivering great content and bringing a lot of positive emotions to her numerous viewers.
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