How old is CoryxKenshin?
CoryxKenshin was born on 9 November 1992.
CoryxKenshin is 32 years old.
How old is CoryxKenshin in days now?
CoryxKenshin is 32 years 4 months 5 days old.
Total 11,813 days old now.
When is the next birthday of CoryxKenshin?
CoryxKenshin's next birthday is in 7 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of CoryxKenshin?
Zodiac sign of CoryxKenshin is Scorpio.
CoryxKenshin is a famous YouTube channel owner known for his videos related to gaming and various aspects of today's cultural life. Born Cory DeVante Williams in 1991 in Michigan, he grew up there alongside his parents and younger brother. In his childhood, Cory was a fan of computers and computer gaming (the games like Mortal Combat), and even took part in a few national computer gaming competitions. In the mid-2010s, he opened his first YouTube channel with the idea of using it as his personal vlog, but his content was mostly focused on his computer gaming activities, so in a very short time Cory has managed to become one of the online gaming community. He has a few good friends among his fellow YouTubers (Aaron Ash, Wade Barnes, and others) so they often collaborate on creating their contents. As of the late 2024, CoryxKenshin has about 19 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, and he is truly enjoying the opportunity to be a famous YouTuber. He currently resides in Michigan and has a dog Sam which also often appears in his videos. There are about 3.4 million fans on his Instagram account as well.
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