How old is Coolio?

Coolio was born on 1 August 1963. Coolio died on 28 September 2022 at the age of 59 years.

What was the exact age of Coolio?

Coolio's exact age was 59 years 1 month 27 days old. Coolio lived for total 21,608 days.

What would be the age of Coolio if alive?

Coolio's exact age would be 61 years 7 months 27 days old if alive. Total 22,520 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Coolio?

Zodiac sign of Coolio is Leo.

A charismatic and talented hip hop singer, Coolio rose to fame in the late 1980 as a part of a joint project, and then continued as a successful solo rapper. He was born in 1963 in Pennsylvania and grew up in California, alongside his family and friends.  After finishing his school education he moved to California where he found a job and continued his free styling experiments as a future hip hop star. He recorded his first single in 1987 and shortly after became a member of a hip hop group led by a known rapper WC. In the mid 1990s his first solo album titled It Takes A Thief came out, followed by two more very successful and popular albums which included an epic hit single "Gangsta's Paradise" which brought Coolio a Grammy Award. Other significant hits of that period of time included "C U When U Get There" and "1, 2, 3, 4". He continued his solo career in the 2000 by releasing 5 more studio albums which had some great hits but couldn't repeat the success of "Gangsta's Paradise". He tried himself as an actor and appeared in over 50 movies including Batman & Robin, Daredevil, Dracula 3000, as well as in many TV shows and his personal TV programs. He was a known philanthropist and a father of 6. Coolio died in September 2022, at the age of 59.

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