How old is Clark Gable?

Clark Gable was born on 1 February 1901. Clark Gable died on 16 November 1960 at the age of 59 years.

What was the exact age of Clark Gable?

Clark Gable's exact age was 59 years 9 months 15 days old. Clark Gable lived for total 21,838 days.

What would be the age of Clark Gable if alive?

Clark Gable's exact age would be 124 years 1 month 27 days old if alive. Total 45,346 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Clark Gable?

Zodiac sign of Clark Gable is Aquarius.

William Clark Gable was a cult American actor of the mid-20th century, known for his amazing performances in the movies like Gone With the Wind and It Happened One Night. Born in 1901 in Ohio, Clark Gable appeared in silent movies of the late 1920s. Starting from the 1930s, he began receiving leading roles in various Hollywood movies, and in 1934 he won the Academy Award for his performance in a romantic comedy It Happened One Night. For his life, he took part in shooting about 60 movies, including such ones as San Francisco, Saragota, Boom Town, It Started in Naples (with Sophia Loren), The Hucksters, The Soldier of Fortune, The Misfits, and others. Gable had a distinctive image of a tough, courageous, and strong man, which was quite new for those times and made him popular not just among women, but American men as well. Gable was married 5 times and had relationships with plenty of actresses. He had 1 daughter, and his only son was born after Gable's death.

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