How old is Charlize Theron?
Charlize Theron was born on 7 August 1975.
Charlize Theron is 49 years old.
How old is Charlize Theron in days now?
Charlize Theron is 49 years 7 months 22 days old.
Total 18,132 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Charlize Theron?
Charlize Theron's next birthday is in 4 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Charlize Theron?
Zodiac sign of Charlize Theron is Leo.
Charlize Theron is a famous and gorgeous American actress of South African origin. She was born in August 1975 in the South African city of Benoni and her childhood was filled up with family problems, constant quarrels and misunderstandings between her parents. Her father was a small construction company owner, and when Charlize was only 15 years old, her mother killed her father as a result of a routine family drama. The incident affected the young girl to a great extend and Charlize made up her mind to pursue a career in modeling which would give her a chance to leave her family and start a better life. When she turned 18 she moved to Hollywood and was determined to start her career as a dancer, but soon she suffered from a serious knee injury which put her dreams about becoming a professional dancer to an end. Anyway, she managed to finish a prestigious acting course and become an actress, with one of the most significant roles in the movie Devil's Advocate (with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves). This role was followed by plenty of other successful ones in such movies as Eon Flux, Snow White (with Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth), A Million Ways to Die in the West (with Seth MacFarlane) and The Huntsman, Monster, Mad Max: Fury Road, and many many others. Charlize Theron has two adopted children, a son and a daughter.