How old is Chad Michael Murray?

Chad Michael Murray was born on 24 August 1981.
Chad Michael Murray is 42 years old.

How old is Chad Michael Murray in days now?

Chad Michael Murray is 42 years 8 months 26 days old.
Total 15,610 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chad Michael Murray?

Chad Michael Murray's next birthday is in 3 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chad Michael Murray?

Zodiac sign of Chad Michael Murray is Virgo.

Chad Michael Murray is an actor and a charismatic former model who rose to fame as a teenage star. Born in 1981 in New York, he spent his early years on Buffalo, alongside his family and friends. His parents are of different European origins, and they got divorced when Chad was 10 years old. He has many siblings and half-siblings. At school Chad was interested in American football and other sports, as well as literature and drama. However, he started his career as a model, after taking a modeling course and offering himself to some potential clients who gladly invited a handsome young man to be their face. Murray is debuted as a TV actor in 2000 by appearing in a few series including a cult one, Gilmore Girls, where he has a recurring role. He continued in Dawson's Creek, One Three Hill, Chosen, Agent Carter, Star, and finally, Riverdale, where he had a bright role. As a cinema actor, Murray appeared in a number of movies like A Cinderella Story, Freaky Friday, Fruitvale Station, Left Behind (with Nick Cage), Survive The Night (with Bruce Willis), etc. Chad Michael Murray dated a large number of actresses and models, and was married three times. Currently, he is married to an actress Sarah Roamer, and the couple has three children.

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