How old is Cara Delevingne?

Cara Delevingne was born on 12 August 1992.
Cara Delevingne is 31 years old.

How old is Cara Delevingne in days now?

Cara Delevingne is 31 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 11,604 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cara Delevingne?

Cara Delevingne's next birthday is in 2 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cara Delevingne?

Zodiac sign of Cara Delevingne is Leo.

Cara Delevingne is a British actress, singer, model, and public person, famous for her roles in a few known movies. She was born in 1992 in London and grew up there alongside her two elder sisters, including Poppy Delevingne who is also a model. The girls come for a wealthy family and their grandparents were famous and had titles. In the late 2000s, Cara was noticed by model agency scouts and offered a contract with Storm Management. Just a few years later Cara began working with the world's most famous fashion houses like Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci, Stella McCartney, Jason Wu, and many more, as well as supported the promotional campaigns of such famous cosmetics and perfumes lines as Moschino, Cacharel, Kenzo, Trussardi, etc. Cara tried herself in acting and had a striking debut in the movie Anna Karenina alongside Keira Knightley and Jude Law. Other movies where she can be seen include Suicide Squad, Kids In Love, Paper Towns, London Fields, and a few more. Cara Delevingne has also recorded a few singles with "Nightmare" and "Bad Blood" being the most famous. She is a winner of a large number of fashion and acting related awards like a British Style Award, Elle Style Award, and others.

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