How old is Calista Flockhart?

Calista Flockhart was born on 11 November 1964.
Calista Flockhart is 60 years old.

How old is Calista Flockhart in days now?

Calista Flockhart is 60 years 4 months 20 days old.
Total 22,055 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Calista Flockhart?

Calista Flockhart's next birthday is in 7 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Calista Flockhart?

Zodiac sign of Calista Flockhart is Scorpio.

Calista Kay Flockhart is an American actress who became famous for her roles in sitcoms like Ally McBeal and Supergirl. Born in 1964 in a small town of Illinois, Calista moved to New York and in the early 1990s started her acting career by appearing in one or two episodes of TV shows like Guiding Light or Beside Herself. In cinema movies, she contributed with her roles in Naked in New York, Quiz Show, The Birdcage, Telling Lies in America, The Last Shot, Fragile and a few others. Flockhart's portrayal of Ally McBeal in the same name TV show was really remarkable, and it brought her the Golden Globe Award (in 1998). She also took part in such projects as Brothers and Sisters, Web Therapy, and Supergirl. Calista Flockhart is married to Harrison Ford, and the couple has one adopted son.

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