How old is Brooke Burns?

Brooke Burns was born on 16 March 1978.
Brooke Burns is 47 years old.

How old is Brooke Burns in days now?

Brooke Burns is 47 years 10 days old.
Total 17,177 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brooke Burns?

Brooke Burns's next birthday is in 11 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brooke Burns?

Zodiac sign of Brooke Burns is Pisces.

Brooke Burns is a famous American model, actress, TV presenter, and social activist. She was born in 1978 in Dallas and grew up alongside her 2 sisters. She loved dancing, especially ballet, and when she was 15 Brooke was noticed by some modeling scouts so she was offered a few interesting projects as a young model. In the mid-1990s her family moved to Europe and after coming back to the US, Burns was offered a role in Baywatch where she starred opposite David Hasselhoff. Other TV series which she starred in include North Shore, Pepper Dennis, Hole in the Wall, Miss Guided, The Chase, Motor City Masters, and others. She was a host of the NBC show Dog Eat Dog. Among the cinema roles of Brooke Burns, the ones in Shallow Hal, Urban Decay, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Where Hope Grows, and others. She is a keen fan of sports and active lifestyle. Brooke Burns is married and has two daughters. 

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