How old is Bridgit Mendler?

Bridgit Mendler was born on 18 December 1992.
Bridgit Mendler is 32 years old.

How old is Bridgit Mendler in days now?

Bridgit Mendler is 32 years 2 months 22 days old.
Total 11,772 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bridgit Mendler?

Bridgit Mendler's next birthday is in 9 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bridgit Mendler?

Zodiac sign of Bridgit Mendler is Sagittarius.

Bridgit Mendler is an American actress and singer who is famous for a few cinema roles and giving a voice for some animated film characters. Born in 1992 in Washington DC, she grew up in California, alongside her younger brother. Bridgit started getting interesting in acting and being on stage when she was 8 years old, and she joined a children's team of a local small theater. Her serious stage debut as a singer and performer took place in 2000, at the San Francisco Fringe Festival. In 2003 she started her professional career by signing up with a few agencies, and a year later she started taking part in an animated movie project The Legend of Buddha. As a teenager, Mendler appeared in such movies as The Clique, Labor Pains, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and on TV she could be seen in such projects as Wizards of Waverly Place and Good Luck Charlie. In the 2010s Bridgit Mendler also focused on singing and released her first studio album which had two excellent hits, Hurricane and Ready or Not, which raised to the Billboard Charts. During the last four years of the decade, Bridgit dedicated herself to various social activities, promoting children's books and raising awareness about social problems around the world.

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