How old is Brandon Lee?
Brandon Lee was born on 1 February 1965. Brandon Lee died on 31 March 1993 at the age of 28 years.
What was the exact age of Brandon Lee?
Brandon Lee's exact age was 28 years 1 month 30 days old. Brandon Lee lived for total 10,285 days.
What would be the age of Brandon Lee if alive?
Brandon Lee's exact age would be 60 years 1 month 11 days old if alive. Total 21,954 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Brandon Lee?
Zodiac sign of Brandon Lee is Aquarius.
Brandon Lee was a martial artist, an actor, and the son of the outstanding Bruce Lee. Brandon was one of Lee's two children. He was born in 1965 in California and spent his childhood both in the US and in Hong Kong where his father used to work and practice. Brandon studied acting art in a college in Massachusetts, and then he attended Lee Strasberg Classes in his Theater and Film Institute. Brandon started his acting career in 1985 with the movie Crime Killer where he obtained a small role. In the late 1980s, Brandon appeared in the movies Legacy of Rage, Laser Mission, as well as in a series of TV movies Kung Fu. In 1991 he took part in an action movie Showdown in Little Tokyo, where he starred alongside Dolph Lundgren. Another excellent performance of Lee was in the movie Rapid Fire where he got a chance to show the type of martial arts developed by his father and known as Jeet Kune Do. In spring 1993, during the filming of the next movie, Brandon Lee was accidentally shot by his scene partner from a gun which was loaded with improper bullet cartridges. He was laid to rest near his father Bruce.