How old is Blac Chyna?

Blac Chyna was born on 11 May 1988.
Blac Chyna is 36 years old.

How old is Blac Chyna in days now?

Blac Chyna is 36 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 13,471 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Blac Chyna?

Blac Chyna's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Blac Chyna?

Zodiac sign of Blac Chyna is Taurus.

A famous American model, Angela Renée White is known as Blac Chyna. She was born Angela White in 1988 in Washington DC and started modeling in her college years, with the nickname Cream. She managed to join Johnson and Wales University in Miami where she continued combining studies with modeling and stripping, now with the name Blac Chyna. In 2011 she met a rapper Tyga, who became the father of her son, King Cairo Stevenson. But the relationship did not last long. After the break-up, Blac joined JLS Professional Makeup Artist School and opened her own clothing and makeup lines. In early 2016 she got engaged with Rob Kardashian, and in November 2010 their daughter Dream Renée Kardashian was born. However, the couple split quite soon, too. Nowadays, Blac Chyna is managing her own luxury beauty salon. She is an active social media person and has over 17.5 million followers on her Instagram account (as of the mid 2024).

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