How old is Billy LeBlanc?
Billy LeBlanc was born on 18 January 1980.
Billy LeBlanc is 45 years old.
How old is Billy LeBlanc in days now?
Billy LeBlanc is 45 years 2 months 11 days old.
Total 16,507 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Billy LeBlanc?
Billy LeBlanc's next birthday is in 9 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Billy LeBlanc?
Zodiac sign of Billy LeBlanc is Capricorn.
Billy LeBlanc is an Internet personality and the father of the LeBlanc family known also as the Bratayleys. He was born in 1980 in Louisiana and after finishing school he worked in Blockbuster LLC. He met his future wife Katy and became the father of three amazing kids, Annie LeBlanc, Hayley LeBlanc, and Caleb LeBlanc, who are/were all famous YouTubers. Sadly, in 2015 little Caleb passed away due to a sudden heart condition. Billy LeBlanc has been promoting a few of his YouTube channels like TruthPlusDare and OhMmyGoshTV, and so do his daughters who are very famous social media stars now. The Bratayleys and their channels are very popular and their videos are being watched by millions of young Americans. Billy LeBlanc loves his kids very much and dedicated his life to his two lovely daughters.
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