How old is Ben Stiller?
Ben Stiller was born on 30 November 1965.
Ben Stiller is 59 years old.
How old is Ben Stiller in days now?
Ben Stiller is 59 years 3 months 7 days old.
Total 21,649 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ben Stiller?
Ben Stiller's next birthday is in 8 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ben Stiller?
Zodiac sign of Ben Stiller is Sagittarius.
Ben Stiller (Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller), a famous American comedian, actor, movie director and writer, was born in 1956 in New York City, to the family of famous comedians Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller. His debut on TV took place in 1975 when 10-year-old Ben played in a TV show together with his mum. 10 years later, Ben received his first roles in Broadway musicals. The young man kept on writing and producing some comedy-related sketches, which attracted the attention of TV agents and helped him to join the team of Saturday Night Live. In 1987, Ben was lucky to receive a role in Spielberg's movie Empire of the Sun, followed by another serious role in Next of Kin. During the early 1990s, Stiller continued improving his acting and writing skills by producing The Ben Stiller Show. Reality Bites movie became his first directorial work, and as an actor he performed greatly in such movies as Meet the Parents series, There's Something About Mary (with Cameron Diaz), Keeping the Faith (with Edward Norton), Starsky and Hutch (with Owen Wilson), Along Came Polly (with Jennifer Aniston), Night in Museum trilogy, and Zoolander trilogy. Stiller is married to Christine Taylor, an American actress, and the couple has 2 children. In 2017, Ben and Christine divorced. Ben Stiller is an active participant of children's and animal rights supporting activities.