How old is Beau Bridges?
Beau Bridges was born on 9 December 1941.
Beau Bridges is 83 years old.
How old is Beau Bridges in days now?
Beau Bridges is 83 years 3 months 19 days old.
Total 30,425 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Beau Bridges?
Beau Bridges's next birthday is in 8 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Beau Bridges?
Zodiac sign of Beau Bridges is Sagittarius.
Beau Bridges (Lloyd Vernet Bridges) is an American actor and producer, one of the sons of Lloyd Bridges and the elder brother of Jeff Bridges. He was born and grew up in California. In his youth he was a big fan of basketball and dreamed about the career of a professional player, however, acting career was waiting for him. Together with his brother Jeff, Beau started appearing on TV and in programs of his father since his teen ages. His serious cinema career started in the mid-1960s, with the movies Village of the Giants, Gaily Gaily, and others. His most successful roles were in the movies Norma Rae, The Hotel New Hampshire (with Jodie Foster), The Fabulous Baker Boys (with his brother Jeff), Voyage of the Unicorn, Max Payne, as well as in TV series Hearts of the West (with his father Lloyd), My Name is Earl, The Outer Limits, The Millers and many others. Beau Bridges has two Golden Globe, three Emmy, and one Grammy award for Best spoken word album, granted to him in 2008. Beau Bridges was married twice and has 5 children.