How old is Barry Keoghan?
Barry Keoghan was born on 18 October 1992.
Barry Keoghan is 32 years old.
How old is Barry Keoghan in days now?
Barry Keoghan is 32 years 4 months 17 days old.
Total 11,828 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Barry Keoghan?
Barry Keoghan's next birthday is in 7 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Barry Keoghan?
Zodiac sign of Barry Keoghan is Libra.
Barry Keoghan is an Irish actor whose work is marked by a number of awards and some good public recognition. He was born in 1992 in Summerhill and had quite a difficult childhood since together with his brother Eric he had to spent many years in foster home. As a teenager he didn't even dare to dream about a career in acting and was quite far away from that getting involved in sports and boxing, in particular. However, in the early 2010s he happened to join auditions for a crime movie and unexpectedly gets a role. After that he was invited to join a TV series Fair City, then continued in a crime drama Love/Hate. The first milestone in his acting career took place in 2017 when Barry joined the casts of Christopher Nolan's movie Dunkirk and one more epic movie The Killing or A Sacred Deer. Later in the decade he contributed in filming such movies as American Animals and Calm with Horses, as well as briefly appeared in a cult TV series Chernobyl. In the early 2020s he portrayed The Joker in one more remake of The Batman, as well as delivered a great performance in a drama movie Saltburn which brought him nominations for BAFTA and some other famous awards. Barry Keoghan is an avid fan of soccer and Manchester United team. He has a son with his former girlfriend Alyson Kierans.