How old is Austin Mahone?
Austin Mahone was born on 4 April 1996.
Austin Mahone is 28 years old.
How old is Austin Mahone in days now?
Austin Mahone is 28 years 11 months 26 days old.
Total 10,587 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Austin Mahone?
Austin Mahone's next birthday is in 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Austin Mahone?
Zodiac sign of Austin Mahone is Aries.
Austin Mahone is an American pop singer and social media star. He was born in 1996 in Texas to the parents of European origins, and since his father died when Austin was a toddler, he was raised by his mom. He started his career as a YouTuber in the early 2010s when he opened his eponymous channel and began uploading various interesting and unique videos there. Those included lip-syncing, his personal vlog, and later on - his first songs. He released his first EP in 2013 and attracted a lot of public attention gaining the nickname of a new Justin Bieber. His second EP The Secret came out in 2014 and the single from it raised highly in Billboard 100. In 2017 Mahone released his first studio album titled Dirty Work, the Album with a very good single "Lady". As of the late 2010s, he is working on his second studio album in collaboration with some popular singers like Charlie Puth and others. Austin Mahone is a good friend of Camila Cabello.