How old is Aubrey Anderson-Emmons?
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons was born on 6 June 2007.
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons is 17 years old.
How old is Aubrey Anderson-Emmons in days now?
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons is 17 years 9 months 1 day old.
Total 6,484 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Aubrey Anderson-Emmons?
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons's next birthday is in 2 months 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Aubrey Anderson-Emmons?
Zodiac sign of Aubrey Anderson-Emmons is Gemini.
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons is a lovely young actress who became famous as a child actor for her role in a cult TV series Modern Family. Born in 2007 in California, she spent her early years in Santa Monica, alongside her parents, a comedian of Korean origins Amy Anderson and a businessman Kent Emmons. Aubrey started her professional career as a 3 year old child by receiving the main role in Modern Family where she started appearing alongside a group of amazing actors like Sofia Vergara, Ed O'Neill, etc. She was taking part in this project for 9 years and literally grew up in front of the viewer's eyes. This role has brought her a number of awards which she deserves to the fullest. Aubrey Anderson-Emmons is a really lively and cute young lady, and she has a number of loyal fans who love her extremely.