How old is Arii?

Arii was born on 23 October 2000.
Arii is 24 years old.

How old is Arii in days now?

Arii is 24 years 4 months 17 days old.
Total 8,906 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Arii?

Arii's next birthday is in 7 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Arii?

Zodiac sign of Arii is Scorpio.

Arii is a young Instagram and TikTok star who rose to fame for her great looks and very interesting content. Born Ariana Renee in 2000 in Miami, she has American, Cuban, and even Nigerian origins in her family. She grew up alongside her younger sister and became popular as a star at the beginning of 2015. Her video contents are nice and interesting, and Arii is a good friend with another social media star, Baby Ariel. Arii is interested in fashion, culture, and other popular things, and very often she collaborates with such media stars as Loren Gray, Weston Koury, etc. She has recently launched her own clothes and accessories line known as ERA. As of the late 2024, Arii has over 2.6 million people on her Instagram account.

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