How old is Anna Faris?

Anna Faris was born on 29 November 1976.
Anna Faris is 48 years old.

How old is Anna Faris in days now?

Anna Faris is 48 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 17,630 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Anna Faris?

Anna Faris's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Anna Faris?

Zodiac sign of Anna Faris is Sagittarius.

Anna Faris is an American actress, who is famous for her roles in Scary Movies. She was born in Maryland but spent her childhood in Washington, where she finished college. She wanted to move to the UK, but as a last minute decision, she found herself in California, which was a chance for her to pursue a career in acting. In 2000 she was lucky to get the lead role in a parody horror-comedy Scary Movie, which was so successful that 3 more movies were made. The young actress shared the filming area with Leslie Nielsen, Charlie Sheen, and other famous actors. During the 2000s, Anna appeared in such successful movies as Coppola's Lost in Translation (with Scarlett Johanson and Bill Murray), Brokeback Mountain (with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal), Waiting and Just Friends (with Ryan Reynolds), My Super Ex-Girlfriend (with Uma Thurman), Smiley Face and The House Bunny. In 2010s Faris took part in a number of TV series, including Mom where she played the lead role. The most successful movies of this period of time are What's Your Number?, I Give It a Year, Keanu, and Overboard. Anna Faris was married twice, and she has a son with Chris Pratt, an American actor, and her second husband. In the late 2018 the couple separated and divorced. In the early 2020s she got engaged to Michael Barrett, but later on the couple split up.

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