How old is Andres Iniesta?

Andres Iniesta was born on 11 May 1984.
Andres Iniesta is 40 years old.

How old is Andres Iniesta in days now?

Andres Iniesta is 40 years 9 months 24 days old.
Total 14,910 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Andres Iniesta?

Andres Iniesta's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Andres Iniesta?

Zodiac sign of Andres Iniesta is Taurus.

Andres Iniesta is a famous Spanish football player, a central midfielder, who spent most of his professional career in Barcelona. Iniesta was born in 1984 in Albacete and started playing football at the age of 4. When he was 15, his parents sent him to Barcelona Youth Academy, where very soon he became the captain of Barcelona youth team. In 2001 he appeared for the first time as Barcelona B team player, and his debut for the main team took place in 2003. He played for Barcelona for 15 years and received 33 awards (both team and personal) that make him the most decorated football player in Spain. In summer 2018 Iniesta signed up with Japanese club Vissel Kobe. His career as the Spanish National Team player started in 2006, he became one of the key players of the team in Euro 2008 and World Cup 2010 in South Africa. He delivered one of the best performances of his in summer 2012 when his team won the tournament and Iniesta was named the Man of the Final Match in Kiev, Ukraine, after beating Italy. Anders Iniesta is supposed to be one of the best deep-lying play-makers of all times, and since 2009 he is consequently included to the UEFA Team of the Year. He is married and has 3 children. Iniesta is a big friend of Leo Messi.

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