How old is Akira Akbar?
Akira Akbar was born on 2 October 2006.
Akira Akbar is 18 years old.
How old is Akira Akbar in days now?
Akira Akbar is 18 years 5 months 24 days old.
Total 6,750 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Akira Akbar?
Akira Akbar's next birthday is in 6 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Akira Akbar?
Zodiac sign of Akira Akbar is Libra.
A young actress who has already appeared in a number of TV shows and cinema movies, Akira Akbar is mainly known to the general public for her role of Monica in Captain Marvel. She was born in 2006 in the US and was raised by her parents of African origins, alongside her three siblings. The whole family is very active and socially aware, all of the children and parents have their social media accounts and take an active part in many projects and events. Akira started her career as a child model and when she was 9 years old she joined the cast of TV show Criminal Minds. Later in 2010s she appeared in one episode of such shows as Grey's Anatomy and This Is Us, and then she was invited to appear alongside Samuel L Jackson and Brie Larson in Captain Marvel. In the early 2020s Akira Akbar contributed in filming such TV shows as Family Reunion and Good Trouble. In 2022 she received a role of Ashley Banks in a TV show Bel Air. As of the late 2024, there are over a half of a million people follow her account on Instagram.