How old is AJ Lee?

AJ Lee was born on 19 March 1987.
AJ Lee is 38 years old.

How old is AJ Lee in days now?

AJ Lee is 38 years 12 days old.
Total 13,892 days old now.

When is the next birthday of AJ Lee?

AJ Lee's next birthday is in 11 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of AJ Lee?

Zodiac sign of AJ Lee is Pisces.

AJ Lee is a former American wrestler and sportsperson, as well as an author and a public person. Born April Jeanette Mendez in 1987 in New Jersey, she grew up in a family of Puerto Rican origin, alongside her two siblings. Being successful in getting along with boys, as a child April loved wresting and was seriously thinking about pursuing a career in this sport. After finishing a wrestling school, Mendez took part in numerous regional and national wrestling competitions. In particular, AJ Lee is a few times winner of the Diva Championship, as well as the winner of the Slammy Award of Diva. In 2014 she got married to her fellow wrestler and musician Philip Brook, known also as CM Punk. During the late 2010s, AJ Lee retired from professional wrestling and started having to do with public activities like animal rights protection, health care, and healthy lifestyle promoting, etc.

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