How old is Zoe Sugg?
Zoe Sugg was born on 28 March 1990.
Zoe Sugg is 35 years old.
How old is Zoe Sugg in days now?
Zoe Sugg is 35 years old.
Total 12,784 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Zoe Sugg?
Zoe Sugg's next birthday is in .
What is the zodiac sign of Zoe Sugg?
Zodiac sign of Zoe Sugg is Aries.
Zoe Sugg or Zoella is an author, a fashion promoter and vlogger, as well as a YouTuber and a media personality. She was born on March 28th, 1990, in Lacock, the UK. Zoe had a good education and when she was 19 years old she opened her YouTube account where she decided to promote fashion and beauty products. She has her own cosmetics line now. Zoe is also a young writer, who tried herself with publishing some novels for adult people. She is an active media personality, who has 5.6 million subscribers on her YouTube account and 10 million followers on Instagram (as of the early 2024). Her younger brother Joe Sugg is a famous YouTuber, too. Zoe has been dating Alfie Deyes, another popular YouTube star, since 2013, and together they are known as Zalfie. In the early 2021 they announced that soon they will become parents, and later that year their daughter Ottilie came to this world. In the late 2023 they welcomed one more daughter, Novie.
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