How old is Zoe Olivia?

Zoe Olivia was born on 27 February 2005.
Zoe Olivia is 20 years old.

How old is Zoe Olivia in days now?

Zoe Olivia is 20 years 27 days old.
Total 7,332 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Zoe Olivia?

Zoe Olivia's next birthday is in 11 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Zoe Olivia?

Zodiac sign of Zoe Olivia is Pisces.

One of the most interesting and outstanding lip syncers on TikTok, Zoe Olivia has been recently growing more and more popular, with a large number of videos that she has been sharing on her channel. Born in 2005 in Florida, she spent most of her childhood in Virginia where her family moved when she was a child. She is a very outgoing and extrovert teenager who loves companies and having fun with friends. Besides, she always has plenty of ideas for jokes and funny stories which she loves putting into her videos. Her pieces of lip syncing are hilarious, and her talent to that helped Zoe to attract over 1.7 million followers (as of the early 2025). Recently she has also been active on Instagram where it is possible to see her photos and where she has almost 200 thousand followers. Zoe Olivia uses the songs of such singers as Drake or OutKast for her best lip syncing ideas.

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