How old is Zoe LaVerne?
Zoe LaVerne was born on 3 June 2001.
Zoe LaVerne is 23 years old.
How old is Zoe LaVerne in days now?
Zoe LaVerne is 23 years 9 months 28 days old.
Total 8,702 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Zoe LaVerne?
Zoe LaVerne's next birthday is in 2 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Zoe LaVerne?
Zodiac sign of Zoe LaVerne is Gemini.
Zoe LaVerne is a lovely American TikTok star who is famous for her lip syncing and her fashion expertise related content. She was born in 2001 in Indiana and her real name is Zoe Pemberton. She has two siblings. When she was a child, Zoe liked music, dancing, and everything related to fashion and arts. She opened her first online channels in the mid-2010s and began attracting hundreds of followers immediately, due to her natural beauty and really interesting stuff that she has been posting. As of the mid 2021, her TikTok account is followed by almost 20 million people, and there are also about 3 million people on her Instagram account. Zoe LaVerne often collaborates with other social media stars like Terin Sottile, Cody Orlove, and others. In the early 2021 she announced that she is expecting her first child, together with her boyfriend Dawson Day. The couple announced their engagement in May 2021. In September 2021 they welcomed their lovely daughter, and a week later Zoe and Dawson got married.
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