How old is Zarbruh?
Zarbruh was born on 8 January 2002.
Zarbruh is 23 years old.
How old is Zarbruh in days now?
Zarbruh is 23 years 1 month 27 days old.
Total 8,459 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Zarbruh?
Zarbruh's next birthday is in 10 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Zarbruh?
Zodiac sign of Zarbruh is Capricorn.
Troy Zarba or Zarbruh is a famous TikToker and an incredible Internet sensation who became famous in a blink. He was born in 2002 in New York and since his childhood, he has been extremely interested in soccer. He loves playing and talking about soccer a lot. He played soccer in high school and is a member of its team. Zarba opened his first Instagram account first and became popular due to his cute looks. In 2018 he launched his TikTok account where he began posting videos of his lip-syncing, a kind of vlog and various comedy stuff. In a very short period, his channel became very popular and as of the early 2025, there are almost 3.2 million followers. Zarbruch often collaborates with his fellow media stars like Zack Smith and others.
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