How old is Zarathebanana?

Zarathebanana was born on 10 October 2010.
Zarathebanana is 14 years old.

How old is Zarathebanana in days now?

Zarathebanana is 14 years 5 months 18 days old.
Total 5,283 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Zarathebanana?

Zarathebanana's next birthday is in 6 months 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Zarathebanana?

Zodiac sign of Zarathebanana is Libra.

A creative and nice YouTube star famous for her funny entertaining content, Zarathebanana is a typical teenager from the Philippines, with typical life and interests. She was born in 2010 and is growing up alongside her parents and sisters who often take part in shooting her video content. She is a typical school student with a good number of friends, her dreams and aspirations in her life. In 2022 Zara decided to get active on YouTube and started sharing her videos with the viewers from around the world. Initially she would share mostly shorts, but later on got focused on some deeper content centered around her daily life, POV and comments as to various events in her life. Some of the videos are based and inspired by the videos of other YouTubers and social media projects like Triple Charm group, for example. Her personal charisma and creativity are truly outstanding, and Zarathebanana has wonderful perspectives to grow into a social media superstar. As of the late 2024, she has managed to attract about a quarter of a million followers.

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