How old is ZackTTG?
ZackTTG was born on 19 January 1989.
ZackTTG is 36 years old.
How old is ZackTTG in days now?
ZackTTG is 36 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 13,217 days old now.
When is the next birthday of ZackTTG?
ZackTTG's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of ZackTTG?
Zodiac sign of ZackTTG is Capricorn.
ZackTTG is an American Twitch star, a streamer and a gamer who is famous for his interesting videos and streams related to traveling. Born Zack Mowley in 1989 in Ohio, he spent his early years in Columbus, alongside his family and friends. However, when he was a teenager, the family moved to California where Zack continued playing computer games and enjoying this life to the fullest. He opened his first social media account in the mid 2015 and it was a Twitch channel. His content was interesting and cool, so very soon Zack started attracting many fans and new subscribers. He decided to launch his YouTube channel where he became known as TheTravelingGamer. In the late 2010s he was one of the gamers on YouTube whose channel was among the most growing ones. As of the early 2025, the number of his YouTube followers is close to 1.2 million people. ZackTTG has many friends among his fellow YouTubers, including Kristopher London, TDPresents, and many others.
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