How old is Zach Choi?
Zach Choi was born on 27 August 1986.
Zach Choi is 38 years old.
How old is Zach Choi in days now?
Zach Choi is 38 years 6 months 11 days old.
Total 14,075 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Zach Choi?
Zach Choi's next birthday is in 5 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Zach Choi?
Zodiac sign of Zach Choi is Virgo.
Zach Choi is a known Korean YouTuber and outstanding ASMR content creator. Born in 1986 in Seoul of South Korea and his parents are of Korean and American origins. He spent some part of his childhood in Seoul but later on moved to California, where he started getting interested in social media. Since eating and tasting various unusual food has been his hobby for many years, Zach decided to focus his content on that. On his YouTube channel, it is possible to see plenty of videos of him eating lots of food like KFC menu examples, hamburgers, fries, etc. Zach Choi is also very popular on Instagram and, as of the mid 2024, there are about twelve million followers enjoying the updates on his page. At the same time, his YouTube account is followed by over 29 million people.
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