How old is Yungeen Ace?

Yungeen Ace was born on 12 February 1998.
Yungeen Ace is 27 years old.

How old is Yungeen Ace in days now?

Yungeen Ace is 27 years 1 month 14 days old.
Total 9,904 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Yungeen Ace?

Yungeen Ace's next birthday is in 10 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Yungeen Ace?

Zodiac sign of Yungeen Ace is Aquarius.

Yungeen Ace is a young rapper known as a member of Yungeen Group. Born in 1998 in Chicago, he spent his childhood in Florida where he started getting interested in hip hop and finished high school. His childhood was quite typical for a millennial child except the fact that he was involved in the horrible shooting events of 2018 but ended up safe and sound. He started rapping seriously in the late 2010s and promoting his hits first on his social media accounts, and later on by signing up with a recording company and releasing his first hits. So far, the most known compositions of Ace include "Gorillaz", "Jungle" and "All In", but there are definitely many more to come. He has a girlfriend named Chloe and has been running a joint YouTube channel with her titled Ace And Chloe. Yungeen Ace is always up to any kind of collaborations with his fellow hip hoppers like JayDaYoungan and others.

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