How old is Yung Miami?

Yung Miami was born on 11 February 1994.
Yung Miami is 31 years old.

How old is Yung Miami in days now?

Yung Miami is 31 years 24 days old.
Total 11,347 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Yung Miami?

Yung Miami's next birthday is in 11 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Yung Miami?

Zodiac sign of Yung Miami is Aquarius.

Young Miami is a hip hop singer and a rapper who rose to fame as a member of a hip hop duo City Girls. Born Caresha Brownle in 1994 in Florida, she lived all her life in Miami and grew up there too, alongside her parents and two siblings, a sister and a brother. Music has been her passion and delight since her early teen ages, and together with her friend Jative Shakara Johnson, known now as JT, in the mid 2010s they established a hip hop duo named City Girls. They used to record their first compositions in a garage, and released their first studio album titled Girl Code n 2018. Two years later their second studio album City on Lock came out which enjoyed even greater success than their previous album. Young Miami is a social media star and, as of the early 2025, has about 6 million followers on her Instagram channel. She is in a relationship and has a daughter and a son.

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