How old is Yim Si-wan?

Yim Si-wan was born on 1 December 1988.
Yim Si-wan is 36 years old.

How old is Yim Si-wan in days now?

Yim Si-wan is 36 years 3 months 3 days old.
Total 13,242 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Yim Si-wan?

Yim Si-wan's next birthday is in 8 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Yim Si-wan?

Zodiac sign of Yim Si-wan is Sagittarius.

Yim Si-wan is a talented South Korean pop singer known to be a part of a boy band ZE:A. He was born in 1988 in the city of Busan and was raised by his parents who would make a great importance to education, thus sent their son to a number of courses and universities. In the early 2010s he began to appear in some national television projects like TV series Misaeng: Incomplete Life or a TV movie The Attorney. He would also take part in a musical theater production prior to joining the bay band. In the early 2010 he debuted as a singer with ZE:A and spent many years singing with the band. Later on the decade he got focused rather on his acting career and took part in a number of local cinema and TV projects like One Line, The Merciless, Hell Is Other People, Run On, and others. In 2024 he joined the cast of a web series Saturday Night Live Korea. Yim Si-wan has recorded a number of solo works and soundtracks for movies. He can be found on social media networking sites like Instagram where the number of his fans is approaching to 4 million people.

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