How old is XXXtentacion?
XXXtentacion was born on 23 January 1998. XXXtentacion died on 18 June 2018 at the age of 20 years.
What was the exact age of XXXtentacion?
XXXtentacion's exact age was 20 years 4 months 26 days old. XXXtentacion lived for total 7,451 days.
What would be the age of XXXtentacion if alive?
XXXtentacion's exact age would be 27 years 30 days old if alive. Total 9,892 days.
What is the zodiac sign of XXXtentacion?
Zodiac sign of XXXtentacion is Aquarius.
XXXtentacion was an American rapper and songwriter who became a musical sensation and managed to attract a large number of fans with his songs and music. Born in 1998 in Florida as Jahseh Dwayne Richardo Onfroy, he was brought up by his grandma and had a very difficult childhood, filled with various criminal activities and a lot of depression. Onfroy started getting interested in music during his late secondary school times when his aunt persuaded him to join a local church choir. He recorded his first song when he was only 15, and he was progressing in freestyling extremely fast. If there had been no criminal charges imposed on the young singer, he would have had way more time to focus on music. In 2015 XXXtentacion released his first serious single "Look At Me" which helped him become known nationwide. In early 2017 his first studio album 17 which debuted on the 2nd line in Billboard Top 100. It made Onfroy really famous and rich. His second studio album titled ? came out in spring 2018 and his third album Skins was released posthumously, in the fall 2018. In summer 2018 XXXtentacion was shot to death in a street robbery. The same year he posthumously received a number of the best musical awards including the BET Hip Hop Award and others. His son Gekyume Onfroy came to this world 7 months after the death of Onfroy himself.