How old is WS10?
WS10 was born on 23 September 2007.
WS10 is 17 years old.
How old is WS10 in days now?
WS10 is 17 years 6 months 6 days old.
Total 6,397 days old now.
When is the next birthday of WS10?
WS10's next birthday is in 5 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of WS10?
Zodiac sign of WS10 is Libra.
A cool YouTuber and TikToker who rose to fame for his Roblox related content, WS10 is a British citizen with Palestinian routes who was born in 2007. One of the numerous fans of Roblox games, he is currently among the most popular growing social media starlets. His channels were launched just a bit more than a year ago, in the mid 2023, and as of the late 2024 there are almost 2 million people following the one on TikTok. The content is quite typical and common for gamers pages, and it is possible to find plenty of various trips and tutorials for those who want to polish their gaming skills. The main focus of the channel is Murder Mystery 2. WS10 is a good friend with another growing Roblox promoter, mm2.frosty. They often join their efforts to make a high quality content and share their experience and ideas with their numerous followers.
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