How old is Wiz Khalifa?

Wiz Khalifa was born on 8 September 1987.
Wiz Khalifa is 37 years old.

How old is Wiz Khalifa in days now?

Wiz Khalifa is 37 years 6 months 18 days old.
Total 13,714 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Wiz Khalifa?

Wiz Khalifa's next birthday is in 5 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Wiz Khalifa?

Zodiac sign of Wiz Khalifa is Virgo.

Wiz Khalifa is a rapper and a musician known for his early singles like "Black and Yellow". Born Cameron Jibril Thomaz in 1987 in North Dakota to the US military-related parents, he spent his childhood traveling between different countries of Europe and the Far East. When he was in his late teen ages his family moved back to the US where he started writing and performing his songs. His debut album came out in 2006 and attracted a lot of attention. A year later one of his most popular singles "Say Yeah!" was released and became a sensation in the hip hop world of those times. His second studio album was released in 2010 and a year later, one of the most successful hits of Wiz, "Black And Yellow", came out, peaking as No 1 in the hip hop Billboard. He has released 7 studio albums so far, and all of those were very warmly received by his fans. Wiz Khalifa often collaborates with other rappers like Snoop Lion. He was married and has a son.

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