How old is Will Buie Jr.?
Will Buie Jr. was born on 25 March 2007.
Will Buie Jr. is 17 years old.
How old is Will Buie Jr. in days now?
Will Buie Jr. is 17 years 11 months 16 days old.
Total 6,563 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Will Buie Jr.?
Will Buie Jr.'s next birthday is in 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Will Buie Jr.?
Zodiac sign of Will Buie Jr. is Aries.
Will Buie Junior is a TV actor who played one of the main roles in a cult TV series by NETFLIS titled Bunk'd. Will was born in 2007 in Georgia and grew up in Atlanta, alongside his parents and his sister. He was a very cute and charismatic child, so when he was only 9 years old he was noticed by some talent scouts and offered to join the database of future models and actors. In 2017 he was lucky to get invited to join his first projects as a TV star and thus he took part in filming such TV series as Modern Family, Red Blooded, Daytime Divas, and others. Later in the decade he appeared in such projects as In the Tall Grass, Raven's Home, and also Bunk'd where he was one of the lead actors for 5 seasons. In the early 2020s Will Buie Junior appeared in 1 episode of such series as A Friend of the Family and This Fool. As of the early 2024 he can be found and followed on TikTok where there are over 1.1 million fans following his channel.