How old is Whitney Houston?

Whitney Houston was born on 9 August 1963. Whitney Houston died on 11 February 2012 at the age of 48 years.

What was the exact age of Whitney Houston?

Whitney Houston's exact age was 48 years 6 months 2 days old. Whitney Houston lived for total 17,718 days.

What would be the age of Whitney Houston if alive?

Whitney Houston's exact age would be 61 years 7 months 2 days old if alive. Total 22,495 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Whitney Houston?

Zodiac sign of Whitney Houston is Leo.

Whitney Houston was one of the most popular African American singers, considered to be among the best selling singers of all times, as well as a winner of a great number of awards and the Guinness Book records. Born and raised in New Jersey, Whitney was developing her musical talent since she was 11 and began singing in a church choir. For the whole career of hers, she released 9 albums, all of those became at least gold. Her first solo album became the best selling debut album of a female singer in the history of mankind. In 1992 the movie The Bodyguard was released where Houston starred together with Kevin Costner, with the main soundtrack single I Will Always Love You bringing Houston the Grammy Award and becoming the most sold movie soundtrack of all times recorded by a female singer. In contrast to her absolutely amazing and successful professional career, Whitney Houston was very unhappy in her private life which resulted in her constant depressions and substance abuse. She died in February 2012 in her rich house in California, at the age of only 48...

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