How old is Wesley Snipes?

Wesley Snipes was born on 31 July 1962.
Wesley Snipes is 62 years old.

How old is Wesley Snipes in days now?

Wesley Snipes is 62 years 7 months 4 days old.
Total 22,865 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Wesley Snipes?

Wesley Snipes's next birthday is in 4 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Wesley Snipes?

Zodiac sign of Wesley Snipes is Leo.

Wesley Trent Snipes is an American actor and movie producer known primarily for his role of Blade in the same name Marvel movie series. He was born in 1962 in Miami but grew up in New York. Since his childhood Wesley has been interested in martial arts and dreamed to combine his skills with acting. In the mid-1980s he was discovered by scouts on one of New York City stages and immediately was offered a few roles in the TV shows like Miami Vice and Wild Cats. The most successful roles of Snipes include the ones in Major League (with Charlie Sheen), New Jack's City, Demolition Man (with Sylvester Stallone), Unstoppable, Chaos (with Jason Statham), The Detonator, The Contractor, Game of Death, Expendables, and, of course, Blade trilogy. Wesley Snipes was married twice and has 5 children. He has black belts in karate and hapkido. He is also a winner of plenty awards as an actor, including Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

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