How old is Wengie?

Wengie was born on 9 January 1986.
Wengie is 39 years old.

How old is Wengie in days now?

Wengie is 39 years 2 months 20 days old.
Total 14,324 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Wengie?

Wengie's next birthday is in 9 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Wengie?

Zodiac sign of Wengie is Capricorn.

Wengie, or Wen Jie Huang, is a famous YouTuber, singer, and vlogger of Chinese origin. She was born in 1986 in Guangzhou, but grew up and studied in Australia. She had to work hard from her early ages, to help her parents make a living. Since her high school times, Wengie has been managing her YouTube account, initially named The Wonderful World of Wengie and filled up with unique and very interesting videos with her comments on fashion, makeup and beauty tips, various life hacks, and plenty of useful stuff. She used to be among the most popular YouTubers of the Australian continent, and as for the early 2025, her account has over 13 million subscribers. In addition to her fashion interest, Wengie also creates funny videos and pranks related to modern teenagers' lifestyle. She even tried herself as a singer, with her best covers of some songs of Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake. Wengie recently got married to her college friend Max (Maxmello), who is also one of the popular YouTubers

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