How old is Wendy Ortiz?
Wendy Ortiz was born on 11 November 2003.
Wendy Ortiz is 21 years old.
How old is Wendy Ortiz in days now?
Wendy Ortiz is 21 years 4 months 18 days old.
Total 7,809 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Wendy Ortiz?
Wendy Ortiz's next birthday is in 7 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Wendy Ortiz?
Zodiac sign of Wendy Ortiz is Scorpio.
A part of a known YouTube duo Evelyn and Webdolyn, Wendy Ortiz has been running the channel together with her twin sister Evelyn Ortiz for over 6 years. Born in 2003 in the USA, she was raised alongside her sister and has loved social media networking sites for all of her life. The girls were only 15 years old when they launched their channel and began to use it as a vlog telling the viewers about their school life and interests, trips and activities, and such. Then, the sisters got focused on some more entertaining content line sharing their personal style and make up tips, designing own outfits, showing some hilarious situations that they face when doing their daily shopping or just walking in the streets. The channel turned out to be very successful and as of the late 2024, there were about 2.5 million followers there. Wendy Ortiz gave birth to a daughter in 2023 and now some part of the content is dedicated to her motherhood.
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