How old is Weird Al Yankovic?
Weird Al Yankovic was born on 23 October 1959.
Weird Al Yankovic is 65 years old.
How old is Weird Al Yankovic in days now?
Weird Al Yankovic is 65 years 4 months 17 days old.
Total 23,882 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Weird Al Yankovic?
Weird Al Yankovic's next birthday is in 7 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Weird Al Yankovic?
Zodiac sign of Weird Al Yankovic is Scorpio.
Weird Al Yankovic is an American comedian, entertainer, musician, and writer known primarily for the parodies and comedy songs. He arrived in this world in 1959 and was raised in California. He has loved music for all of his life and can play a number of instruments like accordion or keyboard. He was 16 years old when one of his first comedy songs was aired on a radio in California. It took him some time to find his personal style in comedy and parody, which was a great combination of video messages and humorous content. Yankovic has created and performed over 150 really great parodies for his life using the songs of a great variety of singers, from traditional rock'n'roll singers to some pop idols like Madonna or Michael Jackson. He used to perform with his own bands and solo. He has taken part in a number of TV projects and produced some comedy TV shows like The Complete Al or Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. Weird Al Yankovic has written some books including ones for children. He is married and has a son.