How old is Violet McGraw?
Violet McGraw was born on 22 April 2011.
Violet McGraw is 13 years old.
How old is Violet McGraw in days now?
Violet McGraw is 13 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 5,090 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Violet McGraw?
Violet McGraw's next birthday is in 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Violet McGraw?
Zodiac sign of Violet McGraw is Taurus.
A lovely and really talented TV actress, Violet McGraw is famous for a few roles in some known and successful movies like Ready Player One by Steven Spielberg and others. Born in 2011 in the US, she grew up alongside her parents and her two siblings, a sister and a brother who is also a voice actor. Violet received her first role as a professional actress on TV when she was only 5 years old when she took part in shooting a series named Love. Her cute looks and great acting performance made her popular on the local channels, and two years later Violet received her first role in a cinema movie. In 2019 McGraw appeared in a cult TV series Law & Order, and in the early 2020s she was a part of the cast of A Christmas Mystery, I Believe In Santa, and others. Violet McGraw gladly takes part in various advertising campaigns and has an Instagram account with the number of the followers close to a half of a million people, as of the mid 2024.