How old is Vic Fuentes?

Vic Fuentes was born on 10 February 1983.
Vic Fuentes is 42 years old.

How old is Vic Fuentes in days now?

Vic Fuentes is 42 years 25 days old.
Total 15,366 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Vic Fuentes?

Vic Fuentes's next birthday is in 11 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Vic Fuentes?

Zodiac sign of Vic Fuentes is Aquarius.

Vincent Vic Fuentes is an American singer, musician, and the frontman of Pierce the Veil band. Born in 1983 in California, Vic developed love to music since his early age as his father was a jazz musician. When the boy was only 7 years old, he learned to play guitar and shortly after started dreaming of having his own band, together with his younger brother Mike. During their high school times, the brothers began playing in different bands and Vic started to write songs of his own. The first successful band of Fuentes was named Before Today, with whom he recorded a studio album in 2004. Pierce The Veil was formed by the brothers in 2006 and so far the band has recorded 4 studio albums and performed on a large number of stages of the country. Vic Fuentes is the writer of most of the band's songs. The band has adopted such musical styles as pop punk and experimental rock.

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