How old is Ugly God?

Ugly God was born on 19 September 1996.
Ugly God is 28 years old.

How old is Ugly God in days now?

Ugly God is 28 years 6 months 12 days old.
Total 10,420 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ugly God?

Ugly God's next birthday is in 5 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ugly God?

Zodiac sign of Ugly God is Virgo.

Ugly God is an American rapper, musician, producer, songwriter, and an avid social media user. Born Royce Rodriguez in 1996 in Houston, he was raised by his divorced parents and spent most of his childhood in Mississippi. Music became his most important interest in high school and Royce began promoting his personal YouTube channel which he opened in the early 2010s and started using as a promotion platform for his music. He began thinking about developing a serious career in rapping in the mid 2010s as his hits like "FTBT" or "Water" started receiving plenty of hits. In 2017 Ugly God delivered an unforgettable performance in one of the free-styling events, alongside such stars as XXXTentacion, MadeinTYO and others. His first mixtape came out in 2017 and his first studio album was released in 2019. 

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