How old is Tyler The Creator?

Tyler The Creator was born on 6 March 1991.
Tyler The Creator is 33 years old.

How old is Tyler The Creator in days now?

Tyler The Creator is 33 years 2 months 14 days old.
Total 12,129 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tyler The Creator?

Tyler The Creator's next birthday is in 9 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tyler The Creator?

Zodiac sign of Tyler The Creator is Pisces.

Tyler The Creator is a hip hop singer, songwriter, producer, and an MTV award holder. Born Tyler Gregory Okonma in 1991 in California, he started getting interested in singing when he was 7, and just a few years later he learned playing piano. After finishing high school he did a few jobs including working in Starbucks while recording music as the lead singer and the leader of Odd Future alternative hip hop band. Together with his bandmates he has released two studio albums and has taken part in a large number of live performances and tours. Since the late 2000s Tyler The Creator has been working as a solo rapper as well, and so far he has recorded 5 studio albums and plenty of mixtapes. His early lyrics were severely criticized for being homophobic and rude, but later on he started writing more tolerant kinds of lyrics. In the early 2020 Tyler The Creator won a Grammy Award for the best hip hop album of the year 2019.Since the early 2022 he has been dating Reign Judge, a model.

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